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100 Days: Restore Nature

This is where the real work begins. The real change.

At a time of climate and biodiversity crises the stakes have never been higher for those elected officials that now sit on those green benches.

Because green is what we need- our green and pleasant land is dying. We are one of the most nature-depleted countries on Earth. We need a government that delivers for our habitats, our species. Our future.

The first 100 days is a testing time, for what Labour does in that first term will set a clear trajectory on how they will govern.

But the work begins for us too, the citizens of this country. It is our democratic right to engage these politicians and keep the pressure on at the most critical time our planet has ever seen.

The clock is not just ticking in the halls of Westminster, it’s ticking for life on Earth.

100 Days: Restore Nature.

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